Educational Leadership Moment

[ELM#824] Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

#EducationalLeadershipGuide | Dr. Kim Moore Season 8 Episode 24

Classroom management is a critical component of effective teaching. Teachers must be able to manage disruptive behavior to create a positive learning environment for all students. However, managing disruptive student behavior can significantly challenge many teachers  

During this moment, we'll discuss supporting teachers in managing disruptive behavior to help ensure that all students learn and grow in a safe and positive classroom environment.


“When students are led well, they learn well.”


The views shared in the Educational Leadership Moment are solely mine and do not reflect the positions of my employer or any entity within the local, state, or federal government sectors.

Classroom management is a critical component of effective teaching. Teachers must be able to manage disruptive behavior to create a positive learning environment for all students. However, managing disruptive student behavior can significantly challenge many teachers. 

In one study conducted by EAB Global, 61 percent of teachers and support specialists reported that their students were disruptive.

As the Supervisor of Title I Professional Development, I had the opportunity to provide professional learning for 113 Title I schools. During a meeting with one of the schools I supported, the Principal shared the challenges they were dealing with concerning behavior. Having been a classroom teacher, I understand the need for teachers to have multiple tools in their classroom management toolbox. 

After conducting a deep dive into the school's data and procedures, we determined that the faculty's lack of effective classroom management skills was a significant area of concern. The majority of the faculty had less than five years of experience. So I developed a comprehensive professional learning plan to enhance their skill set. 

The plan included a combination of lunch-and-learns, formal presentations, classroom observations, a resource toolbox, and coaching sessions. Over the course of the plan, the leadership team tracked the data and conducted data chats with teachers and students. As a result of their efforts, the school saw a drop in the number of discipline incidents.

Dealing with disruptive behavior can be emotionally draining and hinder the disruptive students and their classmates' learning experience. Therefore, providing teachers with support for managing disruptive behavior is essential.

One of the most effective ways to support teachers in managing disruptive behavior is through professional learning. Professional learning can help teachers develop effective strategies for managing disruptive behavior, such as setting clear expectations, creating a positive classroom culture, and responding appropriately to disruptive behavior. Professional learning also allows teachers to collaborate with other teachers and share strategies that have been successful in their classrooms.

In addition to professional learning, teachers can benefit from having access to resources and tools to support their classroom management efforts. For example, teachers may benefit from access to online resources, such as videos and articles, that guide effective classroom management strategies. Teachers may also benefit from having access to tools, such as behavior-tracking software, that can help them monitor student behavior and identify patterns of disruptive behavior.

Another effective way to support teachers in managing disruptive behavior is through positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) systems. PBIS systems promote positive behavior and prevent disruptive behavior by setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement for good behavior, and responding to disruptive behavior with appropriate consequences. As a result, PBIS systems are effective in improving classroom discipline and creating a positive learning environment.

Managing disruptive student behavior is a significant challenge for many teachers. In addition, disruptive behavior can be emotionally draining for teachers and hinder the learning experience for disruptive students and their classmates. 

"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein 

Providing teachers with support for managing disruptive behavior, such as professional learning, access to resources and tools, and using PBIS systems, can help improve classroom discipline and create a more positive learning environment. 

Supporting teachers in managing disruptive behavior can help ensure that all students learn and grow in a safe and positive classroom environment.


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